
mygrad.nnet.layers.max_pool(x: ArrayLike, pool: Tuple[int, ...], stride: int | Tuple[int, ...], *, constant: bool | None = None) Tensor[source]#

Perform max-pooling over the last N dimensions of a data batch.

The data consists of N trailing axes to be pooled over, denoted by C0, .... These can be preceded, optionally, by un-pooled axes, denoted by (N0, ...). The dimensions of the window over which pooling is performed is denoted by P0, .... The window is placed with stride values S0, ....

Ultimately the pooled channels have a shape G0, ....

xmygrad.Tensor, shape=([…], C0, …)

The data batch; to be pooled along the trailing axes denoted by C0, ....

poolTuple[Integral, …], (P0, …)

The extent of the pooling window along the (C0, ...) axes, respectively. The length of pool determines N - the number of trailing dimensions to pool over.

strideUnion[Integral, Tuple[Integral, …]], (S0, …)

The spacing used to place the pooling window, along (P0, ...) axes, respectively. If a single value is provided, it is used for all N pooling axes.


If True, the resulting Tensor is a constant.

Tensor, shape=([…], G0, …)

The pooled data batch.


Only “valid” placements of the pooling window are permitted - the pooling window cannot extend passed the “boundaries” of the data dimensions.


Simple 2D pooling on a 2D tensor. Tiling a 2x2 max-pool window with stride-1 over a shape-(3, 3) tensor x:

>>> import  mygrad as mg
>>> from mygrad.nnet import max_pool
>>> x = mg.Tensor([[0., 10.,  8.],
...                [2.,  7.,  3.],
...                [5.,  7., 20.]])
>>> out = max_pool(x, pool=(2, 2), stride=1)
>>> out
Tensor([[ 10., 10.],
        [  7., 20.]])
>>> out.sum().backward()  # sum to reduce to scalar for back-prop
>>> x.grad  # dout/dx
array([[0., 2., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.]])

Let’s perform 1D pooling on a 2D tensor. Each row of the tensor will be pooled over independently. Let’s apply a size-2 max-pool window to each row of x, using a stride of 1:

>>> x = mg.Tensor([[0., 10., 8.],
...                [9., 7.,  3.],
...                [5., 0., 20.]])
>>> max_pool(x, pool=(2,), stride=1)
Tensor([[10., 10.],
        [ 9.,  7.],
        [ 5., 20.]])

Here we perform pooling over the trailing two dimensions of a 4D tensor, x. By specifying pool = (2, 2), we instruct max_pool to tile a 2x2 pooling window along these last two axes. Let’s apply the window every two rows, and for each column; i.e. we specify stride = (2, 1):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = mg.Tensor(np.random.rand(10, 3, 12, 12))
>>> pool = (2, 2)   # 2x2 pooling over the last axes
>>> stride = (2, 1) # Apply 2x1 stride
>>> out = max_pool(x, pool, stride)  # max-pooled Tensor
>>> out.shape
(10, 3, 6, 11)

Had we specified, say, pool = (3, 2, 2), then a 3x2x2 pooling window would have been tiled along the last three axes of x.