
mygrad.einsum(subscripts, *operands)[source]#

Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands. This implementation exactly mirrors that of numpy.einsum and supports back-propagation through all variety of tensor-products, sums, traces, and views that it can perform.

The following docstring was adapted from the documentation for numpy.einsum

Using the Einstein summation convention, many common multi-dimensional array operations can be represented in a simple fashion. This function provides a way to compute such summations. The best way to understand this function is to try the examples below, which show how many common NumPy/MyGrad functions can be implemented as calls to einsum.

Back-propagation via einsum is optimized such that any tensor that occurs redundantly within the summation will only have its gradient computed once. This optimization accommodates all number and combination of redundancies that can be encountered.

E.g. back-propping through einsum('...,...->', x, x) will only incur a single computation/accumulation for x.grad rather than two. This permits users to leverage the efficiency of sum-reduction, where (x ** 2).sum() is sub-optimal, without being penalized during back-propagation.


Specifies the subscripts for summation.


The tensors used in the summation.

optimize{False, True, ‘greedy’, ‘optimal’}, optional (default=False)

Controls if intermediate optimization should occur; also enables the use of BLAS where possible. This can produce significant speedups for computations like matrix multiplication.

No optimization will occur if False and True will default to the ‘greedy’ algorithm. Also accepts an explicit contraction list from the np.einsum_path function. See np.einsum_path for more details.


If True, this tensor is treated as a constant, and thus does not facilitate back propagation (i.e. constant.grad will always return None).

Defaults to False for float-type data. Defaults to True for integer-type data.

Integer-type tensors must be constant.


The calculation based on the Einstein summation convention.


The subscripts string is a comma-separated list of subscript labels, where each label refers to a dimension of the corresponding operand. Repeated subscripts labels in one operand take the diagonal. For example, einsum('ii', a) is equivalent to np.trace(a) (however, the former supports back-propagation).

Whenever a label is repeated, it is summed, so einsum('i, i', a, b) is equivalent to np.inner(a, b). If a label appears only once, it is not summed, so einsum('i', a) produces a view of a with no changes.

The order of labels in the output is by default alphabetical. This means that np.einsum('ij', a) doesn’t affect a 2D tensor, while einsum('ji', a) takes its transpose.

The output can be controlled by specifying output subscript labels as well. This specifies the label order, and allows summing to be disallowed or forced when desired. The call einsum('i->', a) is like np.sum(a, axis=-1), and einsum('ii->i', a) is like np.diag(a). The difference is that einsum does not allow broadcasting by default.

To enable and control broadcasting, use an ellipsis. Default NumPy-style broadcasting is done by adding an ellipsis to the left of each term, like einsum('...ii->...i', a). To take the trace along the first and last axes, you can do einsum('i...i', a), or to do a matrix-matrix product with the left-most indices instead of rightmost, you can do einsum('ij...,jk...->ik...', a, b).

When there is only one operand, no axes are summed, and no output parameter is provided, a view into the operand is returned instead of a new tensor. Thus, taking the diagonal as einsum('ii->i', a) produces a view.

An alternative way to provide the subscripts and operands is as einsum(op0, sublist0, op1, sublist1, ..., [sublistout]). The examples below have corresponding einsum calls with the two parameter methods.


>>> import mygrad as mg
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = mg.arange(25).reshape(5,5)
>>> b = mg.arange(5)
>>> c = mg.arange(6).reshape(2,3)

Compute the trace of a, \(\sum_{i}{A_{ii}} = f\):

>>> einsum('ii', a)
>>> einsum(a, [0, 0])
>>> np.trace(

Return a view along the diagonal of a, \(A_{ii} = F_{i}\):

>>> einsum('ii->i', a)
Tensor([ 0,  6, 12, 18, 24])
>>> einsum(a, [0,0], [0])
Tensor([ 0,  6, 12, 18, 24])
>>> np.diag(
array([ 0,  6, 12, 18, 24])

Compute the matrix-vector product of a with b, \(\sum_{j}{A_{ij} B_{j}} = F_{i}\):

>>> einsum('ij,j', a, b)
Tensor([ 30,  80, 130, 180, 230])
>>> einsum(a, [0,1], b, [1])
Tensor([ 30,  80, 130, 180, 230])
>>> mg.matmul(a, b)
Tensor([ 30,  80, 130, 180, 230])
>>> einsum('...j,j', a, b)
Tensor([ 30,  80, 130, 180, 230])

Take the transpose of c, \(C_{ji} = F_{ij}\):

>>> einsum('ji', c)
Tensor([[0, 3],
        [1, 4],
        [2, 5]])
>>> einsum(c, [1, 0])
Tensor([[0, 3],
        [1, 4],
        [2, 5]])
>>> c.T
Tensor([[0, 3],
        [1, 4],
        [2, 5]])

Compute 3 * c:

>>> einsum('..., ...', 3, c)
Tensor([[ 0,  3,  6],
        [ 9, 12, 15]])
>>> einsum(',ij', 3, c)
Tensor([[ 0,  3,  6],
        [ 9, 12, 15]])
>>> einsum(3, [Ellipsis], c, [Ellipsis])
Tensor([[ 0,  3,  6],
        [ 9, 12, 15]])
>>> 3 * c
Tensor([[ 0,  3,  6],
        [ 9, 12, 15]])

Compute the inner product of b with itself, \(\sum_{i}{B_{i} B_{i}} = f\):

>>> einsum('i,i', b, b)
>>> einsum(b, [0], b, [0])
>>> np.inner(,

Compute the outer product of array([1, 2]) with b, \(A_{i}B_{j} = F_{ij}\):

>>> einsum('i,j', np.arange(2)+1, b)
Tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
       [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]])
>>> einsum(np.arange(2)+1, [0], b, [1])
Tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
       [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]])
>>> np.outer(np.arange(2)+1, b)
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
       [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]])
>>> einsum('i...->...', a)
Tensor([50, 55, 60, 65, 70])
>>> einsum(a, [0,Ellipsis], [Ellipsis])
Tensor([50, 55, 60, 65, 70])
>>> np.sum(a, axis=0)
array([50, 55, 60, 65, 70])

Compute the tensor product \(\sum_{ij}{A_{ijk} B_{jil}} = F_{kl}\)

>>> a = mg.arange(60.).reshape(3,4,5)
>>> b = mg.arange(24.).reshape(4,3,2)
>>> einsum('ijk,jil->kl', a, b)
Tensor([[ 4400.,  4730.],
        [ 4532.,  4874.],
        [ 4664.,  5018.],
        [ 4796.,  5162.],
        [ 4928.,  5306.]])
>>> einsum(a, [0,1,2], b, [1,0,3], [2,3])
Tensor([[ 4400.,  4730.],
        [ 4532.,  4874.],
        [ 4664.,  5018.],
        [ 4796.,  5162.],
        [ 4928.,  5306.]])
>>> np.tensordot(a,b, axes=([1,0],[0,1]))
array([[ 4400.,  4730.],
        [ 4532.,  4874.],
        [ 4664.,  5018.],
        [ 4796.,  5162.],
        [ 4928.,  5306.]])

Matrix multiply a.T with b.T, \(\sum_{k}{A_{ki} B_{jk}} = F_{ij}\)

>>> a = mg.arange(6).reshape((3,2))
>>> b = mg.arange(12).reshape((4,3))
>>> einsum('ki,jk->ij', a, b)
Tensor([[10, 28, 46, 64],
        [13, 40, 67, 94]])
>>> einsum('ki,...k->i...', a, b)
Tensor([[10, 28, 46, 64],
        [13, 40, 67, 94]])
>>> einsum('k...,jk', a, b)
Tensor([[10, 28, 46, 64],
        [13, 40, 67, 94]])

Make an assignment to a view along the diagonal of a:

>>> a = mg.zeros((3, 3))
>>> einsum('ii->i', a).data[:] = 1
>>> a
Tensor([[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
        [ 0.,  0.,  1.]])