Source code for mygrad.operation_base

Defines the base class for mathematical operations capable of back-propagating
gradients to their input tensors."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from numbers import Real
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from mygrad._numpy_version import NP_IS_V2
from mygrad._utils import SkipGradient, reduce_broadcast
from mygrad.errors import InvalidBackprop, InvalidGradient
from mygrad.typing import DTypeLike, Mask

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor

__all__ = [

Axis = Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]]

class _NoValueType:
    """Special keyword value.

    The instance of this class may be used as the default value assigned to a
    deprecated keyword in order to check if it has been given a user defined

    __instance = None

    def __new__(cls):
        # ensure that only one instance exists
        if not cls.__instance:
            cls.__instance = super(_NoValueType, cls).__new__(cls)
        return cls.__instance

    def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        return "<no value>"

_NoValue = _NoValueType()

[docs]class Operation(ABC): """Base class for all tensor operations that support back-propagation of gradients. Consider the Operation-instance ``f``. A forward-pass through ``f`` is defined via ``f.__call__(...)``. Thus, given tensors ``a`` and ``b``, a computational graph is defined ``f.__call__(a, b) -> c``, where the "creator" of tensor ``c`` is recorded as ``f``:: (node: a) --+ -> [operation: f(a, b)] --> (node: c) (node: b) --+ Back-propagating through ``c`` will instruct ``f`` to back-propagate the gradient to its inputs, which are recorded as ``a`` and ``b``. Each node then back-propagates to any Operation-instance that is recorded as its creator, and so on. """ # Can be set to true if the operation is guaranteed to not returns a view # this will reduce some overhead on checking for shared memory can_return_view: bool = False # Stores the input tensors that the operation will backprop through. variables: Tuple["Tensor", ...]
[docs] def __init__(self): # Stores positional and keyword arguments used to call op. # Can be set optionally - only if op needs to be "replayed", # e.g. with a view self.replay_args: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None self.replay_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None self.replay_force_constant: Optional[bool] = None self.where: Mask = True
@staticmethod def grad_post_process_fn( grad: np.ndarray, var_shape: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> np.ndarray: # this function gets called all of the time; we can avoid # the extra function call by doing the shape check upfront if grad.shape == var_shape: return grad out = reduce_broadcast(grad, var_shape) if out.ndim == 0: # sum-reduction to a scalar produces a float if NP_IS_V2: out = np.asarray(out) else: # pragma: no cover out = np.array(out, copy=False) return out @abstractmethod def __call__(self, *input_vars: "Tensor", **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Performs a forward pass, f, of this Operation:: f(x1, ...., xn) Parameters ---------- *input_vars : mygrad.Tensor The input-arguments of f. The tuple (x1, ...., xn) should be bound to the instance-attribute `self.variables` **kwargs : Any Additional arguments for the operation Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The output of the forward pass function. Notes ----- This method should set the ``self.variables`` attribute with a tuple storing all of the input tensors of this operations""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def backward_var(self, grad: np.ndarray, index: int, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Given ``grad = dℒ/df``, computes ``∂ℒ/∂x_{i}``, where ``x_{i}`` is one of ``x1, ...., xn``. ``ℒ`` is assumed to be the terminal node from which ``ℒ.backward()`` was called. Parameters ---------- grad : numpy.ndarray The back-propagated total derivative with respect to the present operation: dℒ/df. This will have the same shape as f, the result of the forward pass. index : int The index-location of ``var`` in ``self.variables`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray ∂ℒ/∂x_{i} Raises ------ SkipGradient""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def backward( self, grad: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ): """Back-propagates the gradient through all of the operation's inputs, which are stored in the tuple `self.variables`. Constant tensors (`tensor.constant is True`) skipped by this process. Parameters ---------- grad : numpy.ndarray The back-propagated total derivative with respect to the present operation (`f`): d(out)/df """ for index, var in enumerate(self.variables): if var.constant: continue if not var._ops: raise InvalidBackprop( f"Part of the computational graph containing " f"this tensor, {var}, was 'cleared' prior to backprop.\n" f"It is recommended that you clear all computational graphs " f"and restart your computation." ) try: # don't cast to array here so that we have an easier time # doing type checking (e.g. avoid `None` -> `array(None, dtype=obj)` backed_grad = self.backward_var(grad, index, **kwargs) except SkipGradient: continue if not isinstance(backed_grad, (np.ndarray, np.number, Real)): raise InvalidGradient( f"An invalid gradient-value was passed to:" f"\n\t`{type(self).__name__}.backward_var(<gradient>, index={index})`" f"\nGradients are expected to be real-valued scalars or " f"numpy arrays, got a gradient of type: {type(backed_grad)}" ) if NP_IS_V2: backed_grad = np.asarray(backed_grad) else: # pragma: no cover backed_grad = np.array(backed_grad, copy=False) if self.where is not True: backed_grad = backed_grad * self.where backed_grad = self.grad_post_process_fn(backed_grad, var.shape) assert backed_grad.shape == var.shape, (backed_grad.shape, var.shape) if var._grad is None: backed_grad = ( np.copy(backed_grad) # `backed_grad` is view of grad; we want to be able to # augment tmp-grad inplace later if backed_grad.base is not None or (backed_grad is grad) else backed_grad ) if backed_grad.dtype != var.dtype: backed_grad = backed_grad.astype(var.dtype, copy=False) var._grad = backed_grad else: var._grad += backed_grad
class Ufunc(Operation, ABC): """The base class for mygrad's universal functions. 'A universal function (or ufunc for short) is a function that operates on ndarrays in an element-by-element fashion, supporting array broadcasting, type casting, and several other standard features. That is, a ufunc is a “vectorized” wrapper for a function that takes a fixed number of specific inputs and produces a fixed number of specific outputs.' [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] Retrieved from""" numpy_ufunc: np.ufunc _supports_where: bool = True class UnaryUfunc(Ufunc, ABC): """A base class that specifies the common interface to – and facilitates back-prop through – ufuncs that operate on a single array argument; e.g. `mygrad.sin`, `mygrad.negative`.""" def __call__( self, x1: "Tensor", out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, *, where: Mask = True, dtype: DTypeLike = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """f(x1, out=None, *, where=True, dtype=None) Parameters ---------- x1 : Tensor, shape-(...) The input to the operation. This tensor is saved to the state of the operation instance so that back-prop can be performed through it. out : Optional[np.ndarray] A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned. where: Union[bool, np.ndarray] Accepts a boolean array which is broadcast together with ``x1``. Values of True indicate to calculate the ufunc at that position, values of False indicate to leave the value in the output alone. dtype : Optional[numpy.dtype, str, object] Overrides the dtype of the calculation and output array. Returns ------- y : ndarray, shape-(...) A numpy array of the same shape as ``x1`` with the ufunc applied elementwise on ``x1``. Notes ----- This docstring was adapted from numpy's documentation [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Retrieved from """ self.variables: Tuple["Tensor"] = (x1,) if where is not True: self.where = where return self.numpy_ufunc(, out=out, where=where, dtype=dtype) class BinaryUfunc(Ufunc, ABC): """A base class that specifies the common interface to – and facilitates back-prop through – mygrad's ufuncs that operate on a two array arguments; e.g. `mygrad.add`, `mygrad.multiply`. """ def __call__( self, x1: "Tensor", x2: "Tensor", out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, *, where: Mask = True, dtype: DTypeLike = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """f(x1, x2, out=None, *, where=True, dtype=None) Parameters ---------- x1 : Tensor The first input to the operation. This tensor is saved to the state of the operation instance so that back-prop can be performed through it. x2 : Tensor The second input to the operation. This tensor is saved to the state of the operation instance so that back-prop can be performed through it. out : Optional[np.ndarray] A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned. where: Union[bool, np.ndarray] Accepts a boolean array which is broadcast jointly with ``x1`` and ``x2``. Values of True indicate to calculate the ufunc at that position, values of False indicate to leave the value in the output alone. dtype : Optional[numpy.dtype, str, object] Overrides the dtype of the calculation and output array. Returns ------- y : ndarray A numpy array resulting from the elementwise application of the ufunc to corresponding pairs of elements from ``x1`` and ``x2``, respectively. If ``x1`` and ``x2`` are of different shapes, then the operation is broadcast across them [1]_. Notes ----- This docstring was adapted from numpy's documentation [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Retrieved from """ self.variables: Tuple["Tensor", "Tensor"] = (x1, x2) if where is not True and where is not _NoValue: self.where = where return self.numpy_ufunc(,, out=out, where=where, dtype=dtype) else: return self.numpy_ufunc(,, out=out, dtype=dtype) class Sequential(Operation, ABC): """A base class that specifies the common interface to – and facilitates back-prop through – numpy's sequential functions; e.g. `numpy.sum`, `numpy.var`, `numpy.max`""" _integer_axis_only: bool = False @staticmethod @abstractmethod def numpy_func( a: np.ndarray, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = None, dtype: DTypeLike = None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def __init__(self): self.axis: Axis self.keepdims: Optional[bool] self.initial: Real self.out_shape: Tuple[int, ...] super().__init__() def __call__( self, a: "Tensor", axis: Axis = None, dtype=None, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, keepdims: bool = _NoValue, initial: Real = _NoValue, *, where: Union[bool, np.ndarray] = _NoValue, ddof: int = _NoValue, ) -> np.ndarray: self.variables: Tuple["Tensor"] = (a,) if where is not True and where is not _NoValue: self.where = where self.keepdims = keepdims self.initial = initial self.ddof = ddof # Unless axis is None or the op is integer-axis-only # normalize axis to be a tuple of ints. if ( not self._integer_axis_only and axis is not None and not hasattr(axis, "__iter__") ): self.axis = (axis,) else: self.axis = axis kwargs = {} if keepdims is not _NoValue: kwargs["keepdims"] = keepdims if initial is not _NoValue: # pragma: no cover kwargs["initial"] = initial if where is not _NoValue: kwargs["where"] = where if ddof is not _NoValue: kwargs["ddof"] = ddof if dtype is not _NoValue: kwargs["dtype"] = dtype out = self.numpy_func(, axis=axis, out=out, **kwargs) self.out_shape = out.shape return out