Source code for mygrad.nnet.losses.softmax_crossentropy

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

import mygrad._utils.graph_tracking as _tracking
from mygrad.math._special import logsumexp
from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike

from ._utils import check_loss_inputs

class SoftmaxCrossEntropy(Operation):
    """Given the classification scores of C classes for N pieces of data,
    computes the NxC softmax classification probabilities. The
    cross entropy is then computed by using the true classification labels.

    log-softmax is used for improved numerical stability"""

    def __call__(self, x, y_true):
        x : mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N, C)
            The C class scores for each of the N pieces of data.

        y_true : Sequence[int]
            The correct class-indices, in [0, C), for each datum.

        The average softmax loss"""
        if isinstance(y_true, Tensor):
            y_true =

        check_loss_inputs(x, y_true)
        self.variables = (x,)
        scores =
        log_softmax = scores - logsumexp(scores, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        label_locs = (range(len(scores)), y_true)
        loss = -np.sum(log_softmax[label_locs]) / scores.shape[0]

        if _tracking.TRACK_GRAPH:
            self.back = np.exp(log_softmax)
            self.back[label_locs] -= 1.0
            self.back /= scores.shape[0]
        return loss

    def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
        return grad * self.back

[docs]def softmax_crossentropy( x: ArrayLike, y_true: ArrayLike, *, constant: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Tensor: r"""Given the classification scores of C classes for N pieces of data, computes the NxC softmax classification probabilities. The cross entropy is then computed by using the true classification labels. log-softmax is used for improved numerical stability. Parameters ---------- x : ArrayLike, shape=(N, C) The C class scores for each of the N pieces of data. y_true : ArrayLike, shape=(N,) The correct class-indices, in [0, C), for each datum. constant : bool, optional(default=False) If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient) Returns ------- The average softmax loss Raises ------ ValueError Bad dimensionalities for ``x`` or ``y_true`` Notes ----- - :math:`N` is the number of samples in the batch. - :math:`C` is the number of possible classes for which scores are provided. Given the shape-:math:`(N, C)` tensor of scores, ``x``, the softmax classification probabilities are computed. That is, the score for class-:math:`k` of a given datum (:math:`s_{k}`) is normalized using the 'softmax' transformation: .. math:: p_{k} = \frac{e^{s_k}}{\sum_{i=1}^{C}{e^{s_i}}} This produces the "prediction probability distribution", :math:`p`, for each datum. The cross-entropy loss for that datum is then computed according to the true class-index for that datum, as reported in ``y_true``. That is the "true probability distribution", :math:`t`, for the datum is :math:`1` for the correct class-index and :math:`0` elsewhere. The cross-entropy loss for that datum is thus: .. math:: l = - \sum_{k=1}^{C}{t_{k} \log{p_{k}}} Having computed each per-datum cross entropy loss, this function then returns the loss averaged over all :math:`N` pieces of data: .. math:: L = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{l_{i}} Examples -------- >>> import mygrad as mg >>> from mygrad.nnet import softmax_crossentropy Let's take a simple case where N=1, and C=3. We'll thus make up classification scores for a single datum. Suppose the scores are identical for the three classes and that the true class is class-0: >>> x = mg.Tensor([[2., 2., 2.]]) # a shape-(1, 3) tensor of scores >>> y_true = mg.Tensor([0]) # the correct class for this datum is class-0 Because the scores are identical for all three classes, the softmax normalization will simply produce :math:`p = [\frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{3}]`. Because class-0 is the "true" class, :math:`t = [1., 0., 0.]`. Thus our softmax cross-entropy loss should be: .. math:: -(1 \times \log{\frac{1}{3}} + 0 \times \log{\frac{1}{3}} + 0 \times \log{\frac{1}{3}}) = \log(3) \approx 1.099 Let's see that this is what ``softmax_crossentropy`` returns: >>> softmax_crossentropy(x, y_true) Tensor(1.09861229) Similarly, suppose a datum's scores are :math:`[0, 0, 10^6]`, then the softmax normalization will return :math:`p \approx [0., 0., 1.]`. If the true class for this datum is class-2, then the loss should be nearly 0, since :math:`p` and :math:`t` are essentially identical: .. math:: -(0 \times \log{0} + 0 \times \log{0} + 1 \times \log{1}) = -\log(1) = 0 Now, let's construct ``x`` and ``y_true`` so that they incorporate the scores/labels for both of the data that we have considered: >>> x = mg.Tensor([[2., 2., 2.], # a shape-(2, 3) tensor of scores ... [0., 0., 1E6]]) >>> y_true = mg.Tensor([0, 2]) # the class IDs for the two data ``softmax_crossentropy(x, y_true)`` will return the average loss of these two data, :math:`\frac{1}{2}(1.099 + 0) \approx 0.55`: >>> softmax_crossentropy(x, y_true) Tensor(0.54930614) """ return Tensor._op(SoftmaxCrossEntropy, x, op_args=(y_true,), constant=constant)