Source code for mygrad.nnet.losses.margin_ranking_loss

from numbers import Real
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

import mygrad._utils.graph_tracking as _tracking
from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor, asarray
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike

class MarginRanking(Operation):
    def __call__(self, x1, x2, y, margin):
        """Computes the margin ranking loss between ``x1``
        and ``x2``.

        x1 : mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N,) or (N, D)

        x2 : mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N,) or (N, D)

        y : numpy.ndarray

        margin : float

        numpy.ndarray, shape=()
        self.variables = (x1, x2)
        x1 =
        x2 =

        self.y = y

        M = margin - self.y * (x1 - x2)
        not_thresh = M <= 0
        loss = M
        loss[not_thresh] = 0.0
        if _tracking.TRACK_GRAPH:
            self._grad = np.ones_like(M)
            self._grad[not_thresh] = 0.0
            self._grad /= M.size
        return np.mean(loss)

    def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
        sign = -self.y if index == 0 else self.y
        return grad * (sign * self._grad)

[docs]def margin_ranking_loss( x1: ArrayLike, x2: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, margin: float, *, constant: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the margin average margin ranking loss. Equivalent to:: >>> import mygrad as mg >>> mg.mean(mg.maximum(0, margin - y * (x1 - x2))) Parameters ---------- x1 : ArrayLike, shape=(N,) or (N, D) A batch of scores or descriptors to compare against those in `x2` x2 : ArrayLike, shape=(N,) or (N, D) A batch of scores or descriptors to compare against those in `x1` y : Union[int, ArrayLike], scalar or shape=(N,) 1 or -1. Specifies whether the margin is compared against `(x1 - x2)` or `(x2 - x1)`, for each of the N comparisons. margin : float A non-negative value to be used as the margin for the loss. constant : bool, optional(default=False) If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient) Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=() The mean margin ranking loss. """ if not 0 < x1.ndim < 3: raise ValueError("`x1` must have shape (N,) or (N, D)") if not x1.shape == x2.shape: raise ValueError("`x1` and `x2` must have the same shape") if not np.issubdtype(x1.dtype, np.floating): raise TypeError("`x1` must contain floats") if not np.issubdtype(x2.dtype, np.floating): raise TypeError("`x2` must contain floats") if not isinstance(margin, Real) or margin < 0: raise ValueError("`margin` must be a non-negative scalar") y = asarray(y) if y.size == 1: y = np.array(y.item()) if not y.ndim == 0 and not (y.ndim == 1 and len(y) == len(x1)): raise ValueError("`y` must be a scalar or shape-(N,) array of ones") if y.ndim: if x1.ndim == 2: y = y.reshape(-1, 1) return Tensor._op(MarginRanking, x1, x2, op_args=(y, margin), constant=constant)