Source code for mygrad.nnet.losses.focal_loss

from numbers import Real
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

import mygrad._utils.graph_tracking as _tracking
from mygrad.nnet.activations import softmax
from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor, asarray
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike

from ._utils import check_loss_inputs

__all__ = ["softmax_focal_loss", "focal_loss"]

class FocalLoss(Operation):
    r"""Returns the per-datum focal loss as described in
    which is given by -ɑ(1-p)ˠlog(p).

    Extended Description
    The focal loss is given by

    .. math::
        \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{1}^{N}-\alpha \hat{y}_i(1-p_i)^\gamma\log(p_i)

    where :math:`N` is the number of elements in `x` and `y` and :math:`\hat{y}_i` is
    one where :math:`i` is the label of the element :math:`y_i` and 0 elsewhere. That is,
    if the label :math:`y_k` is 1 and there are four possible label values, then
    :math:`\hat{y}_k = (0, 1, 0, 0)`.

    It is recommended in the paper that you normalize by the number of foreground samples.

    def __call__(self, class_probs, targets, alpha, gamma):
        class_probs : mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N, C)
            The C class scores for each of the N pieces of data.

        targets : Union[mygrad.Tensor, ArrayLike], shape=(N,)
            The correct class indices, in [0, C), for each datum.

        alpha : Real
            The ɑ weighting factor in the loss formulation.

        gamma : Real
            The ɣ focusing parameter.

            The per-datum focal loss.
        if isinstance(targets, Tensor):  # pragma: nocover
            targets =

        check_loss_inputs(class_probs, targets)

        self.variables = (class_probs,)
        self.label_locs = (range(len(class_probs)), targets)

        class_probs = asarray(class_probs)
        pc = class_probs[self.label_locs]
        one_m_pc = np.clip(1 - pc, a_min=0, a_max=1)
        log_pc = np.log(pc)

        one_m_pc_gamma = one_m_pc**gamma
        loss = -(alpha * one_m_pc_gamma * log_pc)

        if not _tracking.TRACK_GRAPH:
            return loss

        self.back = np.zeros(class_probs.shape, dtype=np.float64)

        if np.isclose(gamma, 0, atol=1e-15):
            self.back[self.label_locs] -= alpha / pc
            return loss

        # dL/dp = -alpha * ( (1 - p)**g / p - g * (1 - p)**(g - 1) * log(p) )
        # term 1: (1 - p)**g / p
        term1 = one_m_pc_gamma / pc  # (1 - p)**g / p

        # term 2: - g * (1 - p)**(g - 1) * log(p)
        if np.isclose(gamma, 1, rtol=1e-15):
            term2 = -log_pc
        elif gamma < 1:
            # For g < 1 and p -> 1, the 2nd term -> 0 via L'Hôpital's rule
            term2 = np.zeros(pc.shape, dtype=class_probs.dtype)
            pc_not_1 = ~np.isclose(one_m_pc, 0, atol=1e-25)
            term2[pc_not_1] = (
                -gamma * one_m_pc[pc_not_1] ** (gamma - 1) * log_pc[pc_not_1]
            term2 = -gamma * one_m_pc ** (gamma - 1) * log_pc

        self.back[self.label_locs] -= alpha * (term1 + term2)
        return loss

    def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
        self.back[self.label_locs] *= grad
        return self.back

[docs]def focal_loss( class_probs: ArrayLike, targets: ArrayLike, *, alpha: float = 1, gamma: float = 0, constant: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Return the per-datum focal loss. Parameters ---------- class_probs : ArrayLike, shape=(N, C) The C class probabilities for each of the N pieces of data. Each value is expected to lie on (0, 1] targets : ArrayLike, shape=(N,) The correct class indices, in [0, C), for each datum. alpha : Real, optional (default=1) The ɑ weighting factor in the loss formulation. gamma : Real, optional (default=0) The ɣ focusing parameter. Note that for Ɣ=0 and ɑ=1, this is cross-entropy loss. Must be a non-negative value. constant : Optional[bool] If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient) Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N,) The per-datum focal loss. Notes ----- The formulation for the focal loss introduced in It is given by -ɑ(1-p)ˠlog(p). The focal loss for datum-:math:`i` is given by .. math:: -\alpha \hat{y}_i(1-p_i)^\gamma\log(p_i) where :math:`\hat{y}_i` is one in correspondence to the label associated with the datum and 0 elsewhere. That is, if the label :math:`y_k` is 2 and there are four possible label values, then :math:`\hat{y}_k = (0, 0, 1, 0)`. It is recommended in the paper that you normalize by the number of foreground samples. """ if not isinstance(gamma, Real) or gamma < 0: raise ValueError(f"`gamma` must be a non-negative number, got: {gamma}") return Tensor._op( FocalLoss, class_probs, op_args=(targets, alpha, gamma), constant=constant )
[docs]def softmax_focal_loss( scores: ArrayLike, targets: ArrayLike, *, alpha: float = 1, gamma: float = 0, constant: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tensor: r""" Applies the softmax normalization to the input scores before computing the per-datum focal loss. Parameters ---------- scores : ArrayLike, shape=(N, C) The C class scores for each of the N pieces of data. targets : ArrayLike, shape=(N,) The correct class indices, in [0, C), for each datum. alpha : Real, optional (default=1) The ɑ weighting factor in the loss formulation. gamma : Real, optional (default=0) The ɣ focusing parameter. Note that for Ɣ=0 and ɑ=1, this is cross-entropy loss. Must be a non-negative value. constant : Optional[bool] If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient) Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=(N,) The per-datum focal loss. Notes ----- The formulation for the focal loss introduced in It is given by -ɑ(1-p)ˠlog(p). The focal loss for datum-:math:`i` is given by .. math:: -\alpha \hat{y}_i(1-p_i)^\gamma\log(p_i) where :math:`\hat{y}_i` is one in correspondence to the label associated with the datum and 0 elsewhere. That is, if the label :math:`y_k` is 2 and there are four possible label values, then :math:`\hat{y}_k = (0, 0, 1, 0)`. It is recommended in the paper that you normalize by the number of foreground samples. """ return focal_loss( softmax(scores), targets=targets, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, constant=constant )