Source code for mygrad.nnet.layers.batchnorm

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from mygrad.operation_base import Operation
from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor
from mygrad.typing import ArrayLike

__all__ = ["batchnorm"]

# TODO: Remove affine parameters from Operation
class BatchNorm(Operation):
    mean : numpy.ndarray
    var : numpy.ndarray

    `mean` and `var` are bound as instance-attributes upon
    calling the batch-norm instance.

    def __call__(self, x, gamma, beta, *, eps):
        y(x) = (x - E[x]) / sqrt(Var[x} + eps)
        batchnorm(x) = gamma * y(x) + beta

        x : mygrad.Tensor
        gamma : Optional[mygrad.Tensor]
        beta : Optional[mygrad.Tensor]
        eps : Real
           A small non-negative number.

        normed_dims = tuple(i for i in range(x.ndim) if i != 1)
        keepdims_shape = tuple(1 if n != 1 else d for n, d in enumerate(x.shape))

        self.variables = tuple(i for i in (x, gamma, beta))

        if gamma.size == 0:
            gamma = None
        if beta.size == 0:
            beta = None

        self.gamma = gamma
        self.beta = beta

        x =
        self.x_norm = None  # required for backprop through gamma
        self.mean = x.mean(axis=normed_dims)
        self.var = x.var(axis=normed_dims)

        y = x - self.mean.reshape(keepdims_shape)
        self._std = np.sqrt(self.var + eps).reshape(keepdims_shape)  # sqrt(var + eps)
        y /= self._std
        self.x_norm = y
        # optional affine transformation
        if gamma is not None:
            gamma =
            # must copy `y` to prevent mutation of `self.x_norm`
            y = y * gamma.reshape(keepdims_shape)

        if beta is not None:
            beta =
            y = y + beta.reshape(keepdims_shape)
        return y

    def backward_var(self, grad, index, **kwargs):
        x = self.variables[0].data
        if index == 0:  # backprop through x
            normed_dims = tuple(i for i in range(x.ndim) if i != 1)
            keepdims_shape = tuple(1 if n != 1 else d for n, d in enumerate(x.shape))
            N = x.size / x.shape[1]

            # all sums carried over non-channel dims
            # (1/sqrt(var + eps)) * [dL - dL.mean() - (1/N)*x_norm*(x_norm @ dL)]
            grad_ = grad - np.mean(grad, axis=normed_dims, keepdims=True)

            rterm = self.x_norm * np.reshape(
                np.einsum(grad, range(x.ndim), self.x_norm, range(x.ndim), [1]),
            rterm /= N
            grad_ -= rterm
            grad_ /= self._std
            if (
                self.gamma is not None
            ):  # backprop through optional affine transformation
                gamma =
                grad_ *= gamma.reshape(keepdims_shape)
            return grad_

        elif index == 1 and self.gamma is not None:  # backprop through gamma
            return np.einsum(grad, range(x.ndim), self.x_norm, range(x.ndim), [1])

        elif (index == 1 and self.gamma is None) or index == 2:
            normed_dims = tuple(i for i in range(x.ndim) if i != 1)
            return grad.sum(axis=normed_dims)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise IndexError

[docs]def batchnorm( x: ArrayLike, *, gamma: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, beta: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, eps: float, constant: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Tensor: """ Performs batch normalization on ``x``:: y(x) = (x - E[x]) / sqrt(Var[x] + eps) batchnorm(x) = gamma * y(x) + beta Where :math:`E[x]` and :math:`Var[x]` represent the mean and variance, respectively, over axis-1 of ``x``. The subsequent affine transformation on ``y`` is optional. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape=(N, C, ...) The batch to be normalized within each entry of C gamma : Optional[array_like], shape=(C,) Optional per-channel scaling factors to be applied after the normalization step. beta : Optional[array_like], shape=(C,) Optional per-channel scaling bias factors to be applied after the normalization step. eps : Real A small non-negative number. constant : bool, optional (default=False) If True, the resulting Tensor is a constant. Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor The batch-normalized data. Examples -------- >>> import mygrad as mg >>> from mygrad.nnet import batchnorm >>> x = mg.Tensor([1., 4., 1.]).reshape(3, 1) >>> batchnorm(x, eps=0) Tensor([[-0.70710678], [ 1.41421356], [-0.70710678]]) """ # pass gamma and beta as empty arrays if they are not supplied if gamma is None: gamma = np.array([]) if beta is None: beta = np.array([]) return Tensor._op( BatchNorm, x, gamma, beta, op_kwargs=dict(eps=eps), constant=constant )