Source code for mygrad.nnet.initializers.normal

import numpy as np

from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor

[docs]def normal(*shape, mean=0, std=1, dtype=np.float32, constant=None): """Initialize a :class:`mygrad.Tensor` by drawing from a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[int] The output shape. mean : Real, optional (default=0) The mean of the distribution from which to draw. std : Real, optional (default=1) The standard deviation of the distribution from which to draw. dtype : data-type, optional (default=float32) The data type of the output tensor; must be a floating-point type. constant : bool, optional (default=False) If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient). Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=``shape`` A Tensor, with values drawn from Ɲ(μ, σ²), where μ=``mean`` and σ=``std``. Examples -------- >>> from mygrad.nnet.initializers import normal >>> normal(1, 2, 3) Tensor([[[-0.06481607, -0.550582 , 0.04689528], [ 0.82973075, 2.83742 , 1.0964519 ]]], dtype=float32) >>> normal(2, 2, dtype="float16", constant=True) Tensor([[-1.335 , 0.9297], [ 1.746 , -0.1222]], dtype=float16) >>> normal(5, dtype="float64") Tensor([-0.03875407, 0.65368466, -0.72636993, 1.57404148, -1.17444345]) """ if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError("Normal initialization requires a floating-point dtype") if std < 0: raise ValueError("Standard deviation must be non-negative") if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape[0] if isinstance(mean, Tensor): mean = mean.item() if isinstance(std, Tensor): std = std.item() return Tensor( np.random.normal(mean, std, shape), dtype=dtype, constant=constant, copy=False, )