Source code for mygrad.nnet.initializers.glorot_normal

import numpy as np

from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor

[docs]def glorot_normal(*shape, gain=1, dtype=np.float32, constant=None): r"""Initialize a :class:`mygrad.Tensor` according to the normal initialization procedure described by Glorot and Bengio. Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[int] The shape of the output Tensor. Note that ``shape`` must be at least two-dimensional. gain : Real, optional (default=1) The gain (scaling factor) to apply. dtype : data-type, optional (default=float32) The data type of the output tensor; must be a floating-point type. constant : bool, optional (default=False) If ``True``, the returned tensor is a constant (it does not back-propagate a gradient). Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=``shape`` A Tensor, with values initialized according to the glorot normal initialization. Notes ----- Glorot and Bengio put forward this initialization in the paper "Understanding the Difficulty of Training Deep Feedforward Neural Networks" A Tensor :math:`W` initialized in this way should be drawn from a distribution about .. math:: \mathcal{N}(0, \frac{\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{n_j+n_{j+1}}}) """ if not np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError("Glorot Normal initialization requires a floating-point dtype") if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape[0] if len(shape) < 2: raise ValueError( "Glorot Normal initialization requires at least two dimensions" ) if isinstance(gain, Tensor): gain = gain.item() fan_in = shape[1] * (shape[-1] if len(shape) > 2 else 1) fan_out = shape[0] * (shape[-1] if len(shape) > 2 else 1) std = gain * np.sqrt(2 / (fan_in + fan_out)) return Tensor( np.random.normal(0, std, shape), dtype=dtype, constant=constant, copy=False, )