Source code for mygrad.nnet.initializers.dirac

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from mygrad.tensor_base import Tensor

[docs]def dirac(*shape: int, dtype=np.float32, constant: Optional[bool] = None) -> Tensor: """Initialize a :class:`mygrad.Tensor` according to the Dirac initialization procedure described by Zagoruyko and Komodakis. Parameters ---------- shape : Sequence[int] The shape of the output Tensor. Note that ``shape`` must be at least two-dimensional. dtype : data-type, optional (default=float32) The data type of the output tensor. constant : Optional[bool] If ``True``, this tensor is treated as a constant, and thus does not facilitate back propagation (i.e. ``constant.grad`` will always return ``None``). Defaults to ``False`` for float-type data. Defaults to ``True`` for integer-type data. Integer-type tensors must be constant. Returns ------- mygrad.Tensor, shape=``shape`` A Tensor, with values initialized according to the Dirac initialization. Extended Description -------------------- Zagoruyko and Komodakis put forward the Dirac initialization in the paper "DiracNets: Training Very Deep Neural Networks without Skip Connections" A Tensor I initialized via this should satisfy: I ⋆ x = x for compatible tensors ``x``, where ``⋆`` indicates convolution. Note that this does not guarantee that the convolution will produce ``x``, but it will preserve as many channels of the input as possible. """ if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape[0] if len(shape) < 2: raise ValueError("Dirac initialization requires at least two dimensions") tensor = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) minimum_depth = np.minimum(shape[0], shape[1]) # out dim, in dim depths = range(minimum_depth) trailing_indices = ([i // 2] * len(depths) for i in tensor.shape[2:]) # tensor[i, i, k1//2, k2//2, ..., kn//2] for each i in min(shape[0], shape[1] # where the k values are the spatial dimensions of `tensor` tensor[(depths, depths, *trailing_indices)] = 1 return Tensor(tensor, constant=constant)