Source code for rsokl_dummy.numpy_functions

import numpy as np

__all__ = ["pairwise_dists"]

[docs]def pairwise_dists(x, y): """ Computing pairwise distances using memory-efficient vectorization. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray, shape=(M, D) y : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N, D) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape=(M, N) The Euclidean distance between each pair of rows between `x` and `y`.""" dists = -2 * np.matmul(x, y.T) dists += np.sum(x**2, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] dists += np.sum(y**2, axis=1) # The original function has: # # `return np.sqrt(dists)` # # But there is a problem here. It is possible # that entries in `x` and `y` are very similar. # Subtracting two very similar numbers will lead to # large numerical precision errors. So even though # it should be mathematically impossible for `dists` to # contain negative numbers, this can actually happen! # Thus we actually need to clip `dists` to make sure # all very-small negative numbers are set to 0. return np.sqrt(np.clip(dists, a_min=0., a_max=None))