Source code for rsokl_dummy.basic_functions

__all__ = ["count_vowels", "merge_max_mappings"]

[docs]def count_vowels(x, include_y=False): """Returns the number of vowels contained in `x`. The vowel 'y' is included optionally. Parameters ---------- x : str The input string include_y : bool, optional (default=False) If `True` count y's as vowels Returns ------- vowel_count: int Examples -------- >>> count_vowels("happy") 1 >>> count_vowels("happy", include_y=True) 2 """ vowels = set("aeiouAEIOU") if include_y: vowels.update("yY") return sum(1 for char in x if char in vowels)
[docs]def merge_max_mappings(dict1, dict2): """ Merges two dictionaries based on the largest value in a given mapping. Parameters ---------- dict1 : Dict[str, float] dict2 : Dict[str, float] Returns ------- merged : Dict[str, float] The dictionary containing all of the keys common between `dict1` and `dict2`, retaining the largest value from common mappings. Examples -------- >>> x = {"a": 1, "b": 2} >>> y = {"b": 100, "c": -1} >>> merge_max_mappings(x, y) {'a': 1, 'b': 100, 'c': -1} """ # `dict(dict1)` makes a copy of `dict1`. We do this # so that updating `merged` doesn't also update `dict1` merged = dict(dict1) for key, value in dict2.items(): if key not in merged or value > merged[key]: merged[key] = value return merged